Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Hey guys,

I landed in Vegas last night, ready for the start of my second poker odyssey here. I must still be on East Coast time, as I woke up at 7:30am this morning. O well, gives me some time to update the blog and play a morning poker session. I didnt play last night cuz I was so tired, but I'm ready to go today. I'm staying at the Rio for the first 4 nights(and the last 5) of my trip, and I am very pleasantly surprised with my room. It's waaaaaaaay nicer than anything I had last year (Yes, even the infamous luv tub room). My room at the Rio is pretty huge, with a big bed, couch, and suite style separate bathroom nook:

I am definitely happy with it and almost wish I was staying here longer. Maybe I would, if it were on the strip. There's lots of poker action going on here cuz of the WSOP, but it will be nice to move to the strip and try out harrah's in a few days. Today I am going to play my first session, probably here at the Rio but well see. Also, I found free wireless in the Starbucks at Rio, so it shouldn't be too hard for me to update my blog again soon. Wish me luck!



  1. nice room! they must've known you're from fla bc it looks like they gave you the miami dolphins colors.

  2. Haha yep, I noticed that too. It's pretty strange cuz thats definitely not a normal color scheme
