Friday, June 18, 2010

Another Crazy Day

Today started with me checking out and back into my new room. They held a room for me directly across the hall from my previous room so that I wouldn't have to move my stuff too far. Unfortunately, I was unable to keep my Luv Tub room. I asked the lady but she said it would cost 20 per night to keep that room since it was an upgrade. I knew better than to pay that much, so I decided to just roll the dice and see what my deluxe room looked like. I also forgot to ask about a fridge when I checked in, so I called down once I got to my room. I failed in my attempt to swing the complimentary fridge over the phone, but I might try again at the front desk on my way back in. The new room is basically the same as my first room, but it seems a little bit better kept. In addition, it is not located in a noisy area, so in that way its 10x better than room 1. I would take pics, but it really looks exactly like the first one, except I am not looking over the strip. I'll trade the view for the peace and quiet any day though.

After checking into my new room, I went over the Mirage for what turned out to be a long session. I started at 12:45pm and, besides a 1 hour break for dinner, didnt leave the casino until midnight. It was another crazy day in which I ran pretty bad, losing a few key allin hands in which I was way ahead. The highlight came when I flopped a straight and got all in vs. a guy who had flopped three of a kind. His fourth ten hit the river, sending a huuuge pot his way. And so it went. Danny loses a big pot, rebuilds, only to lose another big pot. Going into my dinner break, I felt proud to only be down a moderate amount for the day. I came back from dinner and slowly worked my way back up, finally crossing back over the starting line and into profit. I booked another moderate win and decided to call it a day. Just like last night, poker proved how volatile it could be, but I was still able to come away with the W. Tomorrow is a new day, and I am confident that I am ready to crush the game. Hopefully I'll have some more good news for you tomorrow or the next day!

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