Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Poker Sucks and WSOP


Whats going on everyone. First of all, I appreciate everyone's texts, facebook messages, and comments on here. Thanks for following. Unfortunately, I have to report that my poker results have hit a major speedbump in the last day or so. Had some really unfavorable situations happen that I won't dwell on too much. I have made it a goal of mine not to tell bad beat stories while I am out here. It is a bad habit that I have fallen into at times (thanks for listening Cliff!), so I am trying to get rid of it. Its too bad because I have alot of those stories to tell! But thats alright. I knew what I was getting into when I came out here. I knew if I hit a bad run, positive results could turn negative really quickly. I just need to hope the streak will end soon and my numbers will begin to climb again. Poker really is a brutal game. But don't worry about me, I'll rebound. Win or lose, I'm still the man so I can't really complain. On to the next one...


So, like I said in last night's post, I went over to check out the World Series of Poker the other day. I had been meaning to get over there, and Winnett being in town gave me a decent excuse. For those of you who don't know him, he is a friend from highschool who nearly gave my mom a heart attack everytime he came over for poker. He can get a little loud(okay, very loud), but hey, thats what makes him "the mouth." In fact, since I had seen him last, he moved out to California and was given a different nickname: "Squeeky." Squeeky was in town because his roomate Domenico was still in a World Series event with about 20 people left. By the time I got to the Rio, they were down to just 8 people from the original 384 who entered. First prize was around $230,000, so this was really something to get excited about. Two people got knocked out in one hand and suddenly we were down to the final table of 6. We moved over to the final table cheering section and watched for hours as the six remaining players fought to stay alive. Finally, one succumbed and we were left with five. While watching got very boring at times, it was still very exciting because of what was at stake. One kid continuously won his all-ins, and finally beat Domenico in a big pot that nearly knocked him out. Unfortunately, Domenico was knocked out a short while later, but $43,000 is nothing to be upset about. So congrats Domenico, I'm glad I got to be there for it.

Final Table


Poker Hands

For those of you interested or who will even understand what I am about to talk about, here are some interesting hands of poker I kept note of since I have been here:

Planet Hollywood, 1/2NL
I raise under the gun with 36 of spades ;) 3 people call, including the small blind(SB from here on out). Flop is J45, so I flop open ended. SB bets 12, I call, Army guy next to me makes it 30, SB calls, and I call 18 more. Turn is the 2, making no flushes and completing my nut straight. Board= J452. SB checks, I check, Army bets all in for ~$80, sb calls, I move all in for the SB's last 200, he calls with A3, Army has JJ, and the river is a 9, giving me the whole pot. Major cooler.

Caesar's Palace, 1/3 NL

Hand 1: I have 10s 3s on the button. There is a raise and 4 callers ahead of me, and we are all deepstacked. I call on the button. Flop 679 with 2 spades, a huge flop for my hand. First 2 people check, Hip(poker player who I've been hanging out with some) bets 25. I raise to 65. Out of nowhere, both the small blind and the next lady cold call the 65. Hip folds after some though. The turn is the Qd, giving me another gutshot but otherwise not improving my hand. SB and crazy lady check, I check behind. The river is the beautiful 8 of clubs. Both players check, I bet 125. SB folds immediately (pretty sure I didnt want to make my flush, as I think he was on a higher draw, which is why I checked back the turn). Crazy Lady thinks and then tries to raise 100 more, but can't as she must raise at least 125. So I call, resigned to the fact that I am splitting this pot like 95% of the time and losing to a terribly played J10 like 5%. I am shocked when she flips over 95 offsuit for the low end of the straight and top pair/bad kicker that called 65 cold on the flop. Thank you Ill take that.

Hand 2: I have A10 in the big blind. a bunch of limpers and I check. Flop is 10 10 A with 2 diamonds (hello! very nice to see you.) I check, everyone checks to the button, who I'll call Oakland, who bets $10. I call, old guy calls. Turn is the 8 of diamonds, putting the flush on board (sweet). I check, old guy bets 25, Oakland calls, I call. River 3c (perfect), I see oldy glance at his chips so I'm pretty sure he wants to be his flush, so I oblige and check. He bets 25, Oakland calls, I shove for their remaining stacks (around 130 more each), oldy quickly calls with k7dd and the other guy folds what he later says was 10j.

Hand 3: I limp J9 of club, checks around. Flop is 983 with the 8 and 3 of clubs. The SB bets $12, BB calls, I raise to 36, SB calls, BB makes it 136, I move all in for his last $250 more. He calls with A3 of clubs after the SB folds. Terrible play by him I think, but I'll take the money please. Turn is a blank, but the river throws out the disgusting Ad and he takes the 700 dollar pot and leaves a few minutes later.

Hand 4: a bunch of limpers, I limp on the button with 10c 6c, SB (good online player) makes is 20 and is called in 4 spots before it gets to me, so I call. Flop is 789 with two hearts. Gin. SB bets 45, and the next guy moves all in for 550 (wtf)! So I call all in for 475 obviously, and the SB folds. I am shocked to see the shover flip over 10j, but I guess if he wants to overshove the pot with the nuts good for him. I wont have the 2nd nuts everytime.

Hand 4 at Caesars was this morning, and it capped of a terrible run that began last night. So here I am, pockets much lighter than yesterday. (Paul Walker: pockets ain't empty cuz, Tyrese: We ain't hungry no more either.) I'm gonna keep my head up and keep grinding, though I am thinking of switching to tournaments. Wish I had more of a bankroll to take the variance of tournies though. But we'll see. But don't worry, my friends. I'll be feeling much better once I finish typing this and go find a delicious cannoli somewhere at the Venetian. Wish me luck!



  1. good luck!! you'd be proud i read all your hands. 2 questions: what the hell is a limper? since when do you use ;)?

  2. haha a limper is someone who just calls the blinds. So when the blinds are 1 and 2 dollars, someone who puts money in without raising(they just call 2 dollars) is said to be limping in. Thus, they are a limper. and i thought the ;) was appropriate to use when raising in early position with the 36 of spades ;)
