Saturday, June 26, 2010

Been a long time

...Well, relatively. I haven't updated in a little less than a week, so I figured it was time to catch back up with it. Thanks to those of you who still check the blog. This week was pretty awesome/busy, thus the lack of blog entries. Let's start with Monday...

On Monday, I went over to the Caesar's with the plan to be there most of the day playing poker. It started out rocky, losing with straight to a rivered four card flush all in on the turn (he called all in thinking his pair of nines was good but the river saved him with a fourth club). I was rebuilding and was almost even when I got a strange text from Amy asking me to walk out of the poker room. As it turns out, Amy had found a way to come out to Vegas for cheap and stay with me for my birthday! I was shocked to see her standing there in the Caesar's poker room. So, from that point Monday until Friday morning when she left, I spent time celebrating my birthday(week) with Amy. It was nice to spend some time away from poker and get to do the Vegas tourist thing. We saw the strip, the new City Center, went down to Fremont Street to see old Vegas, had a great birthday dinner at Mon Ami Gabi (French Steakhouse in the Paris hotel), and rode to the top of the Eiffel Tower! We also went to see Mystere, Treasure Island's Cirque du Soleil show. It was the first cirque show to have a permanent venue, which admittedly left it lacking the same flare that some of the newer shows have. It was still awesome to be able to do that with Amy here, and it was nice to spend my birthday with her. I know she's probably embarrassed that I am writing about her, so sorry Ame! Amy left yesterday, leaving me to get back on track with this silly poker thing I came all the way out here to do.

I played yesterday morning at the Caesar's, but decided to cut the session short because of a bad beat I took in a pot over $750. I think it is important to walk away from the table and sort things out when you get too emotional, and man was I angry. I took most of the day off and watched movies/tv in my hotel room. If you play when you are not emotionally stable, it is a recipe for disaster. I needed that time, and I am glad that I took it. However, it was very frustrating as I had planned to put in alot of hours yesterday since it was my first day back. Around 11 pm, I felt like playing again, so I went down to the poker room in IP(my hotel) and found them opening a new table. Perfect. I sat down and immediately bluffed off some money on the first hand. Whoops. I tightened up after that, attempting to take advantage of my assuredly loose image. A few rounds went by when I picked up A3 of diamonds in late position. I called the $2 and the girl next to me raised to 10. Before it got back to me, 5 people had already called the 10 so I put in the extra 8 bucks and went to the flop. The flop was a pretty one for my hand, with the 2 and 4 of diamonds and the 10 of spades. Straight Flush draw, time to make a big pot. It checked around to me and I bet 25. Two people called and the crazy guy at my table made it 100. I thought for a minute and moved all in for about 265 total, one guy called all in for around 85, and the crazy guy called after contemplating folding with bottom two pair, the 24 of spades. The turn was an uneventful 8 of clubs, but the beautiful Jack of diamonds showed up on the river, completing my hand and giving me the pot! Finally I won one of the big pots! Even though I was on a draw, I was the favorite with three people in because I had so many cards that could win for me, and my hand came through on the river! From there I just coasted and left about two hours later with a win that erased my loss from earlier. Day's profit: $12! Looks sad, but I'll take it. Any win is awesome when you start the day with a big loss. I went over to Harrah's today after lunch to try out their poker room. I won a few nice pots (both my big hands, a set and a straight, held up on the river when we were all in on the turn!) Maybe my luck is changing. Too early to tell. So I had another decent win this morning and now I'm ready to play again tonight.

I'm sure that there is plenty more to talk about, as alot has gone on since I last posted, but I don't want to bore you/embarrass Amy with anymore details about my birthday week (thanks for the Mrs. Fields cake!) I have some pictures that I'll post the next time I update, but I forgot to charge my camera so it'll have to wait. Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Talk to you soon.


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