Wednesday, June 30, 2010

One more week and Happy Birthday Scott

Hey everyone,

Just a quick update while I have internet. Things are going well here. As I told you, Amy was here last week for my birthday, so I had taken a break from playing. At that point I was down money for the trip in poker, but I have since turned that around. I have had a few good winning sessions since Amy came and now I'm up for the trip! Hopefully I can continue this run for the remainder of my trip. Speaking of, I can't believe I only have one week left in Vegas. Crazy. Time really flies. I am still enjoying playing (definitely more now that I have been winning!), and I am having a good time out here. Even so, I am excited to get home and see everyone and take a break from this poker craziness. I will definitely miss playing everyday, but luckily Florida poker will be up and kicking when I get back! I am also excited to start studying for the GRE, as weird as it sounds. I'm sure I wont feel the same way a week into it, but itll be nice to be working towards my future. Anyways, I guess theres not much more to report. I'll include one crazy hand I played the other night at the end of the blog if you are interested in anything poker related. Also, happy birthday to my little bro, Worm. We'll have to have a double bday celebration next week when I'm home. Here are some pictures from the last week or so in Vegas...

View from our table at Mon Ami Gabi for my birthday dinner with Amy:

Views from the top of the Eiffel Tower:

Golden Nugget pool with water slide through the shark tank:

Fremont Street:

Poker hand: Imperial Palace, 1/2NL

Background: I was down a good amount at this point and had just bought back in and won a few small pots. This hand couldn't have come at a better time.

The Hand: I have K-10 of hearts. One guy raises to 7, a few people call before it gets to me
so I call on the button. Both blinds call and we see a flop. The flop is J-Q-A with two diamonds! I flopped the nut straight, but I was definitely wary of the diamond draw and of the board pairing. It gets checked to the original raiser and he bets out 30, the next guy min-raises to 60, the next guy folds, and its on me. I decided to smooth-call the 60, as the original raiser only had 58 more after his bet of 30. I was pretty sure he would move all in, raiser would call, and then I would raise to eliminate any diamond draws. So I called and, to my surprise, the guy behind me called the 60 out of the small blind also! So now it gets back around to the first guy and he raises all in for 28 more like I expected. The guy who made it 60 calls, and they tell me that I can't raise because the guys all in was not the size of a full raise! (In most places, the all-in players raise has to be at least half of what the last raise to count as a raise...this was 28 more onto a raise of 30, so that rule should allow me to raise, but they said the rule is different there! My plan backfired and now I could only call.) So I called the 28 more, as did the small blind. The turn was the 9 of clubs. Phew. Still have the best possible hand. They check around to me, and I settle on betting 110, about half my stack. Both call immediately! On the river I am praying for the 2 of spades or some card that isnt a diamond or a card that pairs the board. Unfortunately, the river is the King of diamonds, which filled the flush draw and kills my action because now there is a four card straight. Final board: AKQJ9 with 3 diamonds. They check to me and I check. The hands: Mr. All-in has AQ for top two pair on the AQJ flop. The minraiser had JJ for bottom set, and the cold-caller from the small blind had QQ for middle set!!! What a flop. And amazing than nobody had diamonds and my hand was safe! I dragged in the 700 dollar pot with my straight, which erased my earlier losses and gave me a profit on the session!

Hope you guys enjoyed the blog. Talk soon!


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