Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Intro...Danny touches down in LV

Yooo friends and family.

I figured it was time to update everyone on whats going on in my life. I am currently sitting in the Venetian Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, using their food court's free WiFi to fill you in. Some of you are already aware, but many are not, that I arrived in Vegas yesterday. Those of you who didn't know probably aren't shocked to find out I'm in Vegas. You may, however, be surprised to know that I am staying in Vegas for a month, from June 7th to July 7th. About a month ago, I decided that I would quit my job at RSR Custom Renovations and Additions---thanks Uncle Rob!---and head out to Vegas with nothing but a dream and some hundred dollar bills.

Luckily, everyone around me has been really cool about this decision, including my parents, family, Amy, and friends. Basically, everyone understood why I am doing this. I am going to start studying for the GRE in July, hoping to go on to get a Masters in Social Work starting in Fall '11. So I figured now was the time to take control of my life and do something I'll never forget. So here I am, writing you guys from the Las Vegas Strip 24 hrs after I left Florida for what I would call the boldest move I've ever made in my life. Over the next 30 days, I will be treating poker as my job. I plan to play between 8 and 10 hours a day, hoping to make a steady profit while not losing my shirt trying.

So wish me luck, and be sure to check back every few days for a new update (not promising anything, being that I have to come sit in the food court of the Venetian (I'm staying at Imperial Palace)to access the world wide web. Alright this is getting long, so I'm going to end it here--but I will be posting again soon with a synopsis of my first 24 hrs in Vegas, hopefully with some pictures if I can figure it out. For now, I'm off the the poker tables. Hope you enjoy what is to come of this awsome (yes I spelled it that way on purpose...and yes, that is my brother, worm) blog in the next 29 days or so.



  1. hahaha very funny!!! :p

  2. Yo good luck lil bro...holla at me and keep me posted...you got my support 1hunnid .....Ty Provo

  3. Hey Daniel,

    Sounds like you are having a great time. I look forward to future blog posts.

    Enjoy yourself. Speak to you soon!


  4. Hey Big Dan, Daniel, Danny,

    How are things going?? Just wanted to touch base and see how things are..Hope you're doing well, and enjoying yourself.

    I love and miss you,

    Love, Boobah

  5. Hi Daniel,

    Guess you did not love my previous post. It did not make the cut.
    Thanks for the update!
    Nice mirror!
    love ya,

  6. Hi there!
    Thanks for the update.
    I am sure things will turn around!
    You are the man!
    Love ya,

  7. Hey Danny,

    Glad to hear you are playing at one of my favorite poker rooms.
    Can't wait to see pictures of the latest and greatest room.
    Love you,
